Thursday, October 1, 2015

Lucas is good at fishing

   Fishing is one of my favorite outside activities even I have merely try this for several times since my homestay family had bring me to some fantastic fishing places recently. Many of my friends always yell that fishing is so boring and exhausting. But I don't feel that at all even I lack experiment or it could be the reason that I can learn more interesting stuffs from it.
   I have try many new thing during fishing. Including my first time to put the blood warm to the hook. The warms are freaking disgusting when I touch them. And the body could still moving softy and slowly even it already be cut. The blood keep coming out when I stick in on the hook. I thing I really should stop describe it. And there is one thing I am very proud of is that none of my housemates would like to do it since it is disgusting.
    Beside putting the baits I realize that I also have gift at throwing the hooks. I can make the bait fly to almost the opposite of the land which is absolutely twice times more than Pete did. But that really don't make me to catch a bigger fish, all of fishes I have got are baby fishes and can not be brought to home.
    Anyway the fishing is lot of fun to me and I am so thankful for that my homestay always bring us to play around!


  1. Lucas, what a cool new hobby. Where did you guys go to fish?

    1. Actually it was a private fishing place and my homestay mom has friend there.
