Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September Saturday

This weekend I went to a Airshow in Maryland.Actually I don't want to go,but my guardian said the last Airshow is before three years ago.So I (was reluctant) to go to Maryland because It's so early .We arrived here on 10:00.And there are at least 1000 people stand near the airstrip. And they takes picnic cloth and folding stool to lay on the floor.They buy some hotdog for lunch,( then sit).I was sitting on the ground and holding up a large umbrella to cover my body prevent the sun from drying and stop move, sometimes saw the plan flying in the sky .Because we just wait for "Blue Bird's" plan show. [#%*^+~$€_£•]  After the plan's noise and the team's wonderful performance . I got home and I     got to bed.
  [  I'm sorry for late to my homework ]